Redefining the Call Box is exactly that, it redefines the term and space of the traditional Call Boxes that we see littered approximately every mile along California's highways. The concept relates both, the shortcoming obsoleteness of the current blue-sign, yellow-phone Call Box and, the new law — prohibiting cellphone calls from your vehicle. Artist brian prince felt the need to create space along our highways to make wireless phone calls, so he created the first redefined Call Box of today.

The Call Box of today will be marked with an orange sign and, on the ground in front of the marker — a painted white-line box the size of a slightly over-sized parking space. There may be multiple Call Boxes in certain turn-outs of California's highways and city streets. Each marker carries a double meaning: C.A. NEW LAW, as in California's New Law, and "See A" New Law. brian prince says it was just his reaction.
You simply pull your car into the Call Box as if you were taking a pit stop in the drive-thru, make your call, then carry on. Signs warning motorists will be posted as much as 2 miles beforehand to give the driver enough time to merge to the shoulder, as well as signs notifying the driver how many miles away the next Call Box turn-out is just in case they missed one. This creates a safer highway, pushing the distractions of a phone call to the side of the road.

For years the Call Box has been a road-side emergency phone which provides assistance to motorists in trouble, allowing them to report a road hazard, a flat tire or a mechanical breakdown. Solar panels atop a 14-foot pole recharge the batteries that power the wireless cellular telephone in each Call Box. According to Caltrans (the state Department of Transportation), unpredictable events such as stalled autos account for at least half of the congestion on highways.
With the growing population of personal cellular phones, motorists have used their own phone's in emergency situations that require assistance, reducing the use of traditional Call Boxes on highways. It's not a surprise that, as cellphones are helpful, they are also the cause of many accidents thus creating the congestion on the highways. On July 1, 2008, California passed a law prohibiting the use of a cellular phone without a hands-free headset while driving.

For those whose ears are sensitive to the intrusion of an ear piece, LOOKFORSIGNS.ORG has the solution. The redefined Call Boxes are now spaces off the road in which you are allowed to make a phone call. Whether it's personal or an emergency, these literal "boxes" that you pull your car into, are provided for motorists to make safe phone calls.

The official press release with go out on Thursday, July 10, 2008.

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